Gulf Coast Spine & Sport, LLC Blog

Dead Bug Exercise in Naples FL

Dead Bug Exercise in Naples FL

Dead Bug Exercise in Naples FL Play Video The “Dead Bug” may be one of the best core stability exercises that an individual can perform. The Dead Bug positions the spine in an optimal alignment while creating an immediate contraction of the anterior (front side) core muscles. It helps to eliminate lower back pain as…

Doorway Pec Stretch in Naples FL

Doorway Pec Stretch in Naples FL

Doorway Pec Stretch in Naples FL Play Video “Doorway Pec Stretches” help alleviate tight chest muscles and the muscles on the front side of the shoulder. These stretches are great for anyone that may be experiencing shoulder, neck or upper back pain. Almost all people that work at a computer or drive long distances can…

GCSS Neck Contract/Relax Stretch in Naples FL

GCSS Neck Contract/Relax Stretch in Naples FL

GCSS Neck Contract/Relax Stretch in Naples FL Play Video The “Neck contract-relax” stretches are fantastic to start getting the muscles of the neck loosened up. Stretching these muscles will help to reduce headaches, neck pain, upper back pain and even shoulder pain. This is a very easy stretch that can be performed every hour and…

GCSS Psoas Stretch in Naples FL

GCSS Psoas Stretch in Naples FL

GCSS Psoas Stretch in Naples FL Play Video The “psoas” (pronounced “so-as”) stretch helps to alleviate lower back pain and tightness throughout the lower back and front of the hip. The psoas muscle is the largest hip-flexor muscle and connects to the front of your spine! With as much sitting as most of us do…

Kids & Chiropractic Care

Kids & Chiropractic Care

Kids & Chiropractic Care Kids Need Treatment Too! How, Why and When?! It is safe and healthy for kiddos to be treated from the day they are born! The birthing process can be a traumatic experience and it can cause stress on the child’s spine and developing nervous system. Chiropractic care can help with small…

Ice or Heat – Are you doing it wrong?

Ice or Heat – Are you doing it wrong?

Ice or Heat – Are you doing it wrong? The age old question, “should I ice or heat (the painful area) at home?” The answer is – well, it depends! At Gulf Coast Spine & Sport, we recommend that anyone with an acute injury ice the area if needed to reduce swelling and possibly reduce…